01. Attics
02. Avians
03. Tears For Uriah
04. Sunglasses After Midnight
05. Fine Prints
06. In Between Kingdoms
07. Ancient Audio
08. Plato’s Cave
09. Poison
10. Carousels
11. Null
12. Heaven Is A Hologram
13. Spaces
14. Embers
15. Firefights
1. This Year
2. Awakening
3. Pretty Apollo
4. I Never
5. Interlude
6. Electric Blue
7. Tide of Life
8. Dazed & Confused
9. Fantasy Revenge
10. Interlude
11. Boombox Pimp
12. The Jux
13. Cise
14. Interlude
15. NIcers
16. The Raven
17. Beaten Boxes
18. Interlude
19. Your Voice
20. One Day . . .
1.Just Say No
2.The Runaway
5.Money Parade
6.Pretty Black Future
7.Elephant Rome
8.The Dance
11.Fuzzy Logic
12.Never Forget Pluto
13.Pianos On Fire
14.Radiant Cool Boy
15.Excite Me